What Dark Lip Neutralisation?

Lip neutralization, or dark lip correction, involves a meticulous process aimed at counteracting dark values and blue hues present in the lips. This treatment utilizes the principles of color correction, much like makeup application for concealing skin imperfections. By injecting or tattooing artificial pigments of warmer shades like reds, oranges, and yellows onto the lips, these pigments interact with the body’s melanin to lighten and brighten the lip tone. The specific choice of pigments depends on the individual’s natural lip color and undertones.

Is lip Neutralisation suitable for me?

Lip lightening and lip neutralization are suitable for individuals seeking an even lip tone. Dark lip neutralisation is an option for anyone looking to improve and balance their lip tone, and it is a popular choice for both men and women. Typically, the treatment involves at least three sessions, but during your initial consultation, we will assess your upper and lower lip tones and create a personalized plan based on your specific needs and goals.

How is the Lip Neutralisation service performed?

This procedure involves using a PMU (Permanent Makeup) machine and specialized pigment. 

The procedure typically unfolds over multiple sessions to achieve the desired result gradually and safely. After the initial session, which focuses on neutralizing cool tones with warm-based pigments, a healing period of several weeks allows the pigments to settle and fade slightly.


What will I look like immediately after the procedure?

You can expect some swelling in the first 24-48 hours after the procedure. While the swelling diminishes fairly quickly, it’s advisable to take it easy for 48 hours to be on the safe side. Initially, the color may appear bright or dark, but it will gradually scab and lighten.

What can I expect after the treatment?

During the healing process, a thin film (not a scab) may appear. It will start peeling naturally around day 3 and may not exfoliate evenly. Keep your lips clean and moisturized to avoid complications. Avoid picking at the film, as it can lead to irritation and unevenness. The color will fade by 50-60% during the initial healing.

Are there any pre-care instructions?

If you’re prone to cold sores, consider taking Valtrex or Lysine before the procedure to prevent outbreaks. Avoid certain medications like aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin C, and Advil/Ibuprofen 48 hours before the procedure. Sun exposure and tanning should be avoided one week prior.

What are the post-care instructions?

  • Apply the provided ointment frequently for a week to prevent excessive drying.
  • Avoid hot drinks, hot food, saunas, pools, and hot showers/baths for at least 5 days.
  • You can get your lips wet (i.e. when washing your face/mouth) but avoid hot water near the lip area.
  • No strenuous exercise for 24 hours post-procedure.
  • Wait 4 weeks before getting lip fillers.
  • Avoid scrubbing, scratching, or picking at the treated area.
  • No facials or masks around the lip area for 15 days, and avoid them indefinitely.
  • Don’t use petroleum-based products, anti-acne products, or products containing certain acids while healing.



Please note that you are not eligible for permanent makeup if you have any of the following conditions:

• Currently pregnant or breastfeeding
• Blood-borne diseases (e.g., HIV, Hepatitis B & C)
• Active cancer or undergoing chemotherapy
• Severe skin conditions in the treatment area (e.g., Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis)
• A history of keloid scarring
• Active skin infections (e.g., Cold Sores, Impetigo, Fungal Infections)
• Bleeding disorders (e.g., Hemophilia)

For your safety, please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria before proceeding with your booking.


If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or

 previous brow tattoo done by another artist

you must contact us before booking to determine your suitability for treatment.


A patch
must be completed at least 24 hours before your scheduled

Our services are in high demand, and appointment slots fill up quickly. We recommend booking in advance to secure your preferred time.

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